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Vibhishan and the Power of Ram’s Name: A Story from Lanka

Hindu mythology is filled with countless stories that impart deep wisdom. One such fascinating tale is about Vibhishan, the younger brother of Ravana, and his unwavering devotion to Lord Ram. This story highlights the contrast between devotion and arrogance, ultimately emphasizing the power of faith.

Vibhishan’s Devotion to Ram

Vibhishan, though a resident of Lanka and the brother of Ravana, was an ardent devotee of Lord Ram. He inscribed the name ‘Ram’ all over his palace, making it a sanctuary of divine energy. However, this act did not go unnoticed for long.

Ravana’s Wrath

One day, complaints reached Ravana that Vibhishan had written Lord Ram’s name throughout his palace. This infuriated Ravana. Seated beside his queen, Mandodari, he fumed with anger at the thought of his enemy’s name being glorified within his own kingdom.

Determined to confront his brother, Ravana stormed into Vibhishan’s palace, accompanied by Mandodari. As soon as he entered, he was astonished to see the divine presence that permeated the surroundings.

The Clever Reply

Ravana questioned Vibhishan’s audacity: “How dare you inscribe my enemy’s name in Lanka?”

Unfazed, Vibhishan replied with a calm smile, “Brother, you misunderstand. I have simply written 'Ra' for Ravan and 'M' for Mandodari. The name ‘Ram’ emerges naturally from your own presence.”

Mandodari’s Wisdom

Mandodari, hearing this, was impressed by Vibhishan’s clever response. She turned to Ravana and said, “Perhaps there is a deeper meaning here. Even the greatest of names hold power when seen from the right perspective.”

The Moral of the Story

This tale serves as a reminder that wisdom and devotion often go hand in hand. Vibhishan’s unwavering faith in Lord Ram ultimately led him to righteousness, while Ravana’s arrogance led to his downfall. Faith, when held firmly, has the power to transform even the most unexpected places into centers of divinity.

Just as Vibhishan safeguarded his devotion amidst adversity, we too should protect our spiritual values, regardless of the surroundings.


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