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Exploring Raj Yog
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Yog is commonly perceived as a means of achieving spiritual and mental well-being through physical exercise. However, certain yog practices focus on mental exercises and spiritual growth.

The four paths of yog aim to guide practitioners toward self-realization and liberation (Moksha) and are intricately interconnected.


What is Raj Yog?  

Raj Yog, derived from the Sanskrit word "raj" meaning "king" or "royal," is often referred to as the King of Yog. It emphasizes achieving enlightenment through meditation and energetic practices. Practitioners adopt meditative postures to calm the mind, restrain wandering thoughts, and eventually enter a thoughtless state.

According to Swami Swatmarma in the Hatha Yog Pradipika, Hatha Yog (the physical aspect of yog) aims to attain Raj Yog. This suggests that physical postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama) in Hatha Yog serve as foundations for Raj Yog practice.

Raj Yog follows a dualistic philosophy, initially differentiating the self from absolute reality but ultimately guiding practitioners toward self-realization. Through mental discipline, Raj Yog cultivates qualities such as self-control, concentration, inner peace, and joy. Unlike some other forms of yog, Raj Yog does not require the recitation of mantras or adherence to rituals, allowing for flexible practice.

Swami Vivekananda played a crucial role in popularizing Raj Yog, elevating it to the status of Patanjali’s Yog Sutras. Initially referenced in the Bhagavad Gita as a path to enlightenment, Raj Yog later gained recognition as a distinct path through the efforts of prominent scholars, becoming one of the four paths of yog.


Is there a difference between Ashtang Yog and Raj Yog?

In essence, there is no distinction between Ashtanga Yog and Raj Yog, as they can be used interchangeably. Raj Yog aligns with the principles of Ashtanga Yog, also known as the eight-limbed path, as compiled by Patanjali. By following the eight limbs of yog, practitioners can attain a state of enlightened consciousness or samadhi.

The eight limbs of Raj Yog include:

1. Yamas (self-control or restraints)
2. Niyamas (discipline or observance)
3. Asana (physical poses or exercises)
4. Pranayama (controlled breathing exercises)
5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses from external objects)
6. Dharana (concentration)
7. Dhyana (meditation)
8. Samadhi (complete realization or super consciousness)

This systematic approach aims to liberate individuals from suffering.


Raj Yog as the Yog of Mind  

Raj Yog emphasizes self-discipline and practice, akin to the autonomy and confidence of a king. Through this ancient system of meditation, practitioners elevate consciousness, cultivate inner peace, and rediscover virtuous qualities within themselves.


The 5 Stages of Mind

In Raj Yog, one-pointed concentration (Dharana) is a prerequisite, strengthening the mind and fostering a state of focused attention. According to Patanjali’s Yog Sutras, the mind transitions through five general states:

1. Kshipta – scattered state

2. Mudha – dull and forgetful state

3. Vikshipta – concentrated yet mildly scattered state

4. Ekagra – one-pointed, focused, or meditative state

5. Niruddha – fully controlled state

These stages, known as Chitta Bhumis, highlight the mind's progression towards meditative states.


How to Practice Raj Yog Meditation?

Raj Yog meditation shares similarities with other meditation styles. Practitioners engage in open-eye meditation, focusing on inner peace and freedom. The meditation technique aims to make the mind a supportive ally, fostering a positive outlook and deepening the connection with the higher power.

The steps for Raj Yog Meditation are as follows:

1. Find a peaceful space conducive to meditation.
2. Assume a comfortable position, ensuring stability and relaxation.
3. Direct your attention to the present moment, focusing on a chosen focal point.
4. Refrain from engaging with passing thoughts, maintaining focus on the chosen point.
5. Cultivate a positive thought to meditate upon, fostering inner peace and clarity.
6. Sustain the peaceful state beyond meditation, incorporating it into daily life.

Begin with a minimum of 20 minutes of daily practice, allowing time for adjustment and mental fortification.


Benefits of Raj Yog Meditation

Raj Yog meditation offers numerous benefits, including:

1. Stress and anxiety reduction.
2. Diminished negative habits.
3. Enhanced clarity and focus.
4. Improved memory and concentration.
5. Better quality of sleep.



Raj Yog facilitates an appreciation for silence and fosters respect, dignity, and trust. While complex in nature, it serves as a union of mind, body, and soul, guiding individuals towards self-purification and realization.

Books on Raj Yog for Further Reading


1. "Raj Yog" by Swami Vivekananda

2. "The Art and Science of Raj Yog" by Swami Kriyananda

3. "The Yog Sutras of Patanjali" commentary by Swami Satchidananda


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